Online Seminar Aalto University

Online Seminar: High-Fidelity Robust Qubit Control by Phase-Modulated Pulses

October 8, 2024
Online Seminar


In the realm of superconducting qubits, significant efforts have been dedicated to optimizing control pulses, primarily by refining pulse envelopes to minimize unwanted excitations. This seminar will present innovative research from Prof. Gheorghe-Sorin Paraoanu’s lab at Aalto University, Finland, recently published in Physical Review Research, where a novel approach to qubit control is introduced. By phase-modulating the control pulses, this method achieves resilience against both amplitude and frequency errors. We will explore the theoretical foundations and experimental demonstrations conducted on a circuit-QED system, showcasing robustness against both types of errors. (Phys. Rev. Research 6, 013188 – Published 21 February 2024).


  • Part I (Marko Kuzmanovic,  Aalto University): High-fidelity robust qubit control by phase-modulated pulses
  • Part II (Michaela Eichinger, QM): TBD 

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